7 Skin Care Tips For Dry Skin

Dry skin can result in redness, itchiness, and an uncomfortable tight feeling. There are plenty of harsh chemicals in store-bought skin care products (parabens, benzophenones) that dry out your epidermis even more. Luckily, there are some easy steps you can take on the daily to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Here are seven of our best tips for keeping dry skin at bay!

1) Use a moisturizing cleanser every day.

The first thing we say to anyone with dry skin is to double up on your moisturizing routine by using a cleanser daily. It seems like a luxury, but it’s a necessary one! If you cleanse your face without removing all of the excess oil and dirt, this can cause more dryness because there’s less protection from natural oils. Not only this, but it’s vital to cleanse the product off of your skin! In order for your skin to produce natural oils, you have to let it do its thing. When you don’t remove all of the product from your face, your pores will get clogged with extra junk and that can lead to more dryness.

2) Wash with a gentle cleanser every day.

A lot of people prefer using cream cleansers on their faces because they are designed for dry skin. We recommend a mild, cream or gel formula that will remove all of the product in the morning and evening without stripping your skin. A great one to try is Curel’s Gentle Cleanser with Shea Butter & Aloe Vera. This product contains no parabens, no dyes, and will leave your skin feeling well-moisturized.

3) Don’t forget to exfoliate!

With dry skin, you may be tempted to forgo exfoliating altogether because this can cause dryness. However, if you have dry skin, why not make your exfoliation routine even more important? Exfoliation is essential because it helps remove dead skin cells, as well as unclog pores with its natural acid content. This will help to keep your skin hydrated and keep it from becoming too congested. For a great body exfoliating scrub that’s gentle enough for sensitive skin, try Equate’s Golden Brown Body Scrub.

4) Avoid using harsh cleansers with your products.

While your daily cleanser is a no-no, you can use an exfoliating cleanser to get a deeper clean! This is especially important if you’ve been sweating a lot or are coming in from the cold. The good news is that there are plenty of chemical-free products at your disposal. Just be sure to avoid anything with alcohol, citrus extracts or menthols, as these can lead to more dryness and irritation. The best exfoliating cleanser is Dove’s Deep Moisture Exfoliating Cleanser. It contains no alcohol, parabens, or dyes!

5) Use a lotion.

If you feel like you’re drying out and need a little extra moisture, try a body lotion with shea butter. Shea butter is full of nutrients that will help keep your skin well-hydrated. We recommend using the Equate Advanced Therapy Body Lotion with Shea Butter. This is a hypoallergenic product that contains no parabens and will leave your skin feeling softer than ever.

6) Try a thick moisturizer during the day.

We love moisturizers that are light enough to wear during the day, but sometimes you need something a little more substantial. If you have very dry skin, try using a thicker cream, lotion, or ointment. A great one to try is Eucerin’s Ultra-Rich Body Lotion. This product contains no parabens and is even safe for diabetics.

7) Steer clear of alcohols, menthols, and citrus extracts.

These are common ingredients in over-the-counter body washes and lotions because they are refreshing and cooling. However, these ingredients can dry out the skin and make it more prone to infection. If you use a lot of these types of products, consider switching to a fragrance-free formula or opt for a natural or essential oil-based moisturizer instead. The best way to use citrus extracts is in a gel or lotion base, but not on your face!


Whether you’re dealing with dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, or any other type of dermatitis, these seven tips are sure to help you get back to normal! While there aren’t many ways to completely cure a dry skin condition, these methods will keep your skin feeling healthy. Don’t be afraid to speak with your doctor about any severe cases. Some dermatologic conditions may require medical intervention in order for the skin to heal.

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